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Unlike a lot of "gurus" out there, I don't place goofy "get rich quick" ads and then soak people for thousands 
of dollars.  I'd rather sleep at night.  Instead, all I do is...

Mail A Simple (But Very Special Letter) Every Day!

   I offer folks a fun, exciting"no-one-gets-hurt" and "everyone-loves-this" income-producing blueprint 
that's proven to work!
 Some yawn.  Everyone thanks me.  And a lot of them go on to discover how earning 
$350-$500 and more every single day is WAY simpler than most people can imagine.  And with no computer 
required, ANYONE can do this because ANYONE can be successul in direct-mail!


   Yes, there’s serious money to be made.  And when the “get in” is LESS THAN $100, everyone joins, loves 
the product and now you’ve got 100s of people to “upgrade”.


   This beats the pants off selling high-ticket programs or traditional "MLM" deals where people start backing 
away the moment they see you coming.  Or, worse, they think you’re asking them to get into some kind of 
internet marketing” deal where you have to be a computer wizard to make any money.  How’s all that working 
for you?

   But then they hear about us:  The Every Day Income Plan™.  They discover that, for less than a hundred 
bucks, you get an honest-to-goodness, physical, paper-and-ink, wealth-creation package shipped to your house 
that gives you all the details on how to create a lucrative income from home.  Then everyone scratches their heads 
and asks, “Wait, how much did you say this was?”  When they realize they heard you correctly...they just pull 
out their wallet and buy!
 Do you know why?  Because...


                                    People Hate To Be Sold...But They Love To Buy!


   Who doesn’t love a good deal?  Everyone does.  That’s why it’s virtually impossible to find anyone who isn't 
completely delighted with The Every Day Income Plan™.  
   In an era where every Tom, Dick and Harry is slinging a big-ticket money-making opportunity...The Every 
Day Income Plan™ scratches people’s “itch” for something REAL and AUTHENTIC.

    We provide the blueprint and the instructions.  All you do is follow them.  Your customers will pay you 
directly.  No middle-men.  Once you start building your first customers, some of them will want to buy our other 
programs.  Some will do that on the first day.  Others do it in a 
week or so.  Others never at all.

    Whatever people choose is fine with me.  Know why?  
Because no one is strong-arming anyone or asking anyone to 
“bet the farm”.  This is a good, honest business and it really 
helps people reach their goals.

   Forget all the fly-by-night schemes.  Prove to yourself that 
this works by getting your kit and following the instructions.  
If you can "lick a stamp" you can create results like nothing 
you've never experienced!

  That's because each letter you mail can result in $70 in 
potential profits paid directly to you....and YOU get to keep 
100% of the money!

page 2.
Your Daily Income Letter to Success - pg

   My wife and I were out of town for just SIX DAYS 
and came home to over $3,300 in paid orders.  It's a 
perfect "part-time" income!

(Note:  this is for demonstration purposes only.  By law, we cannot 
and do not guarantee you'll have the same results.  No incomes are 
guaranteed.  Your results will depend on your own investment of 
time, effort and activity.)

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