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We're going to show you how to get your share of a multi-billion dollar pie by doing something ANYONE 
can do.  You handle mailing the letters (as many or as few as you want.  We recommend 10 per day)...and 
you collect the profits.  It's as simple as that!  This is your risk-free opportunity to discover one of the most 
remarkable and simplest ways to earn a large income on the planet.  But I must warn you...


Your Response Must Be Postmarked Within 5 Business 
Days From This Letter.  Here's Why...


Right now, as I’m writing this, events in our country and around the world indicate that the United States may 
be on the verge of one of the biggest economic catastrophes we’ve ever seen.  


My friend, you're intelligent.  You read the headlines.  You see what the economy is doing.  Right now, 
over 42 million Americans are on food stamps.
 Read that again:  one in six.  The sad truth is America is 
going BROKE!
 Meanwhile, over 51% of Congress are millionaires and multi-millionaires.  (Rep. Gianforte is 
worth $315 MILLION dollars.  Rep. Issa is worth over $275 million!)  I'll say it as simply as I can...


A Storm Is Coming And, As Usual, Only A Handful Of 
People Are Paying Attention...


There are millions of people who are suddenly going to have the "rug" jerked out from under them....all 
because they don't know what the wealthy know.  But, those like you who are smart enough to pay attention -- 
and more importantly -- to take ACTION...can earn MASSIVE profits.  While the overly-skeptical and ignorant 
continue to work harder and harder for less and less...YOU will be getting EVERYTHING you want without 
doing anything you don’t want to do!


But, you have to start now.  If you don’t want to get "caught in the storm", you MUST start thinking 
differently about how you earn your money and you must take action NOW.   


The Every Day Income Plan™ is your opportunity to create the security that you need to weather the 
storm....and actually PROFIT while many others continue to work harder and harder for less and less.
you know, the older you are, the harder it becomes to replace your income.  That’s why...


It Is Critical That You Decide Right Now To Become 


Right now, there’s a very, very small window of opportunity where "the little guy" can still earn a LOT 
of money.
 But once that "window" closes, it'll be much, much harder for average person to create this kind of 
income so easily.  


And that’s why I’m inviting you to be part of this very special group who learn my secrets and who use the 
Every Day Income Plan to create a financial asset that can pay you a sizable income every single week!  But, to 
take full advantage of this, you have to take action NOW.  


Would An Extra $5,600 Every 
Month Make A Difference In Your Life?


This program doesn't require massive numbers in order to produce great results.  Imagine if – out of all the 
millions of people wout there – you average just FOUR orders per day.  If you did that just 5 days a week...that's 
200 sales a month.  That’s over $5,600 a month.  



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