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How would your life change if you suddenly had an extra $5,600 a month coming in?  Would you 
breathe a little easier?  Would you be able to upgrade your lifestyle?  Maybe quit your job?  Or begin traveling 
and enjoying your retirement.  It's entirely up to you!  YOU are in control!  In fact, I'll even make it "no-brainer" 
simple for you.  I'll show you...


BONUS:  The Secret "Honey Hole" Source We Use To Put 
Our Offer In Front Of Buyers (Not "Leads")...


Forget "buying lists" and "bizopp leads".  That stuff is for amateurs.  Instead, you're going to discover how 
you can put your offer in front of actual, proven BUYERS.  (This one secret coupled with the very special letter 
you'll be mailing is the "1-2 Punch" for why this is so successful.  You will be blown away when you see how 
much money you can earn from mailing this very special letter every day!)  And you'll discover ALL of this 
in The Every Day Income Plan™
manual and resource guide.  It's all there waiting for you.  But you MUST 
respond within FIVE business days from the time you receive this letter.


"Okay, So I'll Bet This Is Going To Cost An Arm and A Leg, Right?"

It's true that, in the past, clients have paid the author as much as $30,000 to show them how to create these 
kinds of results.  But, this project is about creating success stories.  In the near future, admission into The Every 
Day Income Plan™ may cost $599 or more.  But, when you return your Priority Order Form within the next 
business days...                                                                                                                                  

                                                               You Can Get The Every Day Income

                                                         Plan™ TODAY For Just $ 125      $99                                                    
Save 20% when you order in the next5 days! 


You’ll receive the Every Day Income Plan™ training manual; the EXACT instructions on how to start 
earning an "every day income", your own copy of the very special sales letter I mentioned earlier...AND the 
special training on How To Put Your Offer In Front Of Real, Actual Buyers (Not 'Leads').  (This training alone is 
worth $497.)


Even if you tried home-businesses or direct-mail in the past, you owe it to yourself and your family 
to accept this risk-free offer.
 The success of the Every Day Income Plan will astound you.  And you will not 
believe how you’ll feel when you’re receiving multiple $70 payments in the mail every single DAY.  And 
100% of the money you receive is yours to keep!  


Also, please don’t confuse this with all those gimmicky "get-rich-quick" schemes you see out there.  How 
is this different?  Well, for one thing, earning $75,000 to $156,000 per year with our program is not "getting 
rich".  It’s making a nice living.  It’s also a great second income or supplemental income if you’re retired.  Plus, 
this is not a "recruiting" business.  This is not about building a downline or depending on someone else for your 
income.  All you have to do is follow the steps we'll provide you in The Every Day Income Plan™ manual...and 
you can start earning as much as $350-$500 per day and more.


My friend, life is not a dress rehearsal.  I encourage you to enroll in the Every Day Income Plan™ right 
 Simply fill out the enclosed order form and return it TODAY.  You'll be glad you did.  


Lock In Your Spot NOW and Return The Priority Order Form 
Within 5 Business Days For Your FREE Valuable Bonus!



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