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That's all I do.  I earn $280...$350...$420...and more every single 
day by mailing out the exact same letter.
 There's no "catch" or 
gimmick involved.  Instead, this entire business revolves around...


The Oldest and Most Legitimate Business 
Model In The World!


It's been used for thousands of years to produce massive wealth.  In 
fact, you've been engaged in this model for years.  You probably used 
in the last 24 hours (but you were on the "paying" end of it.  I want to 
show you how to get on the "receiving" end!)


What's this proven business model?  It's called a simple retail 
  It's the oldest and most stable business model on the planet.  It's so 
simple a child can do it!


With the EDI Reseller Program, your customers are paying you for 
the valuable Every Day Income Home Study Course that you never 
have to see, touch, stock or ship.  The company takes care of all that for 
you.  All you do is take care of mailing your letters and receiving the 
 (We'll show you the BEST people to mail your letters to!  More 
on that in a  moment.)  This business involves...

• NO multi-level, network marketing, affiliate marketing or 
"internet marketing"
• NO real-estate, flipping houses, or investing
• NO presentations, talking, selling, persuading, convincing, or 
drawing circles on napkins
• NO "just get three who get three who get three" nonsense
• NO home parties,
hauling products around in your trunk and 
doing presentations in living rooms
• NO catalog sales, turning your garage into a warehouse, 
vending, or peddling products

• NO pills, potions, lotions, snake-oil or other nonsense health schemes
• NO pyramid schemes, gifting programs, airplane games or fly-by-night deals
• NO assembly work, or postcards



Simply put, if you dream of retiring on $350-$500 per day (or more)...or if having an extra $1,800+ per 
would "take the pressure off"...if earning $12,000+ per month would put your mind at ease....then I’m 
delighted to show you how you can do that.

You Already SPEND Money Every Day....So, Isn't It Time 
You Start EARNING Money Every Day?


I say yes!  That’s why I call it the Every Day Income Plan.  It allows you to spend a few minutes every day 
doing something simple and FUN....and earn an income that most "normal people" can only dream of!


Before I tell you my secret, let me ask a question:  do you know what a honey hole is?  A honey hole is a 
place you can get great results that most people don't know about.  Like a good fishing spot.  Or a good hunting 
spot.  In this business of direct-mail, one of the biggest advantages you can have is a "honey hole":  a very 
particular group of people who are already pre-disposed to want what you're selling.  



IMPORTANT: The very special 
letter we're referring to has 
been  written  by  one  of  the  most 
successful direct-mail copywriters 
in  the  industry.    It's  been  tested 
extensively and thousands of 
letters have produced massive 
amounts of revenue. 


In fact, we knew we had a winner 
when our first "test-mailing" went 
to just 120 people and we received 
a total of 44 orders just one week 
 Think of it:  44 orders X $70 
profit  =  $3,080.
   Not  bad  for  a 
part-time effort!


Obviously we can't guarantee that 
everyone is going to have the same 
result on such a small mailing.  You 
might earn more.  You might earn 


But one thing is for sure:  you have 
what  it  takes  to  create  a  LOT  of 
stable income from home if you're 
willing to do a little bit of work with 
a proven system.  


Think  about  it:    if  you  knew  this 
business  could  pay  you  a  few 
thousand  dollars  a  week  or  a 
what would YOU do with 
it? Pay bills? Quit your job? 
Upgrade your lifestyle?  It’s all up 
to you!

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